Friday, January 14, 2011

War of the worlds

When I mention war of the worlds, I don't mean the movies, or the books...i mean that radio show thingie..War of the worlds is about an alien attack and people's attempts to survive and destroy the aliens. While this series may be a classic this one rendition of the book...put people into shock...the way that the people presents this on the radio, they put it in a serious mood to help get people hooked in, but sadly it did the opposite it put people into shock and panic actually thinking we were getting attacked by aliens. it took them a while to calm down and once they did they were outraged by this saying that the radio show was cruel for its exact realism. Contrary to the fact, this has been done before the war of the worlds radio show started. Because of the fact it was on radio, and people didn't have movies to watch, or never read the book...they were surely suprised. if this was to happen again at this time and age, we would know its a drama and not really happening because they may try to do a live version of it on t.v using cg...which many people can recognize. this is my example of key concept 3.

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