Wednesday, January 12, 2011

No more heroes

No more heroes is a new series on the nintedo wii...But because its on the nintendo wii many people will probably never play it because "nintendo is kiddy." No more heroes is actually a violent game involving the killing people with a beam sword. It has a lot of jokes within it also, as well as fun minigames and a basic but awesome plot. This game is about a hitman named travis touchdown who is your average videogamer anime watcher person. He won a bid on ebay for a beam sword and realizes he has no money, so he accepts a job as a hitman and works his way up to number one. While the plot may be simple its full of epic and funny moments as well as a giant twist around the end part of the game. No more heroes is not your simple nintendo game but a violent game full of stuff you'd never expect on nintendo. This is my example of key concept 3

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