Kingdom Hearts is a series co-created by Disney. Kingdom hearts is about a young teenager named Sora who is trying to find his friends by visiting many worlds based on disney movies. Kingdom hearts promotes that friends are your drive to keep on going, and that No matter how deep in the darkness one is, there's always a small light. While the whole concept may be cheesy, kingdom hearts promotes the value of friendship. Kingdom hearts also shows multiple points of views from the side of light, and the side of dark. Some quotes used in the kingdom hearts franchise can help strengthen or add to people's values. such quotes as:
Sora :"i don't need a weapon, i got a better one, MY HEART!"
Badguy: "Your heart, what can that weak little thing do?"
Sora: "Although my heart may be weak, it's not alone. It's grown with each new experience. And it's found a home with all the friends I've made. I've become a part of their heart, just as they've become a part of mine. And if they think of me now and then, if they don't forget me, then our hearts will be one. I don't need a weapon. My friends are my power!"
And another is
Sora: "The heart may be weak, and sometimes it may even give in, but deep down there's a light that never goes out!"
While those quotes may be cliche they actually can help encourage people to stay positive and make friends. This is an example of key concept 5 as the message of kingdom hearts contains values that everyone can follow.
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