Friday, January 14, 2011


Twilight is a (horrible) vampire/werewolf teenage romance movie which has terribly influenced many people and is one of the leading, if not THE worst movie that features vampires which takes out the original aspects of old school vampire movies. Twilight is about a (dumb) girl who falls inlove with (i miss him as cedric)a guy who sparkles in the sun and doesn't turn to dust(hehehe...that would be an awesome blooper) anyways its basically about a love between a normal human girl(who does stupid stuff) and a (wannabe) vampire. While many people would read it for the romance(which still sucked by the way) many (young) girls love it because the characters are "Hot" many people these days just care about looks instead of plot and because of this many movies are going downhill. This movie while loved by (little) girls is widely hated by (nearly everyone)some people. This is my example of key concept 6(not adding a picture)

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