Friday, January 14, 2011

Night of the living dead

Night of the living dead is one of those classic zombie movies that is just great to watch each time. Night of the living dead is basically the film that made zombies popular. This movie starts off with a woman, and her brother visiting their mothers grave, but while visiting the grave they are attacked by a zombie, to which her brother tells her to run off and dies trying to fight the zombie. While running she finds a farmhouse only to discover the owner is dead, a man named ben who arrives in a pick up trucks, drags her into the house and barricades the windows. Inside the house they meet a family who's daughter is ill, and a teenage couple. the rest of the movie is about them defending themselves and trying to stay sane...This movie while black and white features a great plot featuring zombies as well as a psychological battle going on in their heads to stay sane and try to work together. This movie can represent reality because during events where there is a crisis going on some people lose their mind in the process and start going insane killing people at times.  this is my example of key concept 1

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