Thursday, January 13, 2011


Anime in general is something looked down upon because its from another country and people don't appreciate it. Anime is the japanese equivalent of cartoon's here but in a style called "anime" which is divived into many sub style's to fit the audience the anime is aiming for. Anime is basically 50% of japanese eterntainment, with the rest being video games and normal t.v. Anime doesn't have as many fans as it does in japan compared to america and whatnot for one reason. Japanese culture and american culture are different yet very similar. while they may be completely different stuff from the outside you will find that its very similar, they both feature hero's which kid want to be, an adventure people wish happen to them, and comedic moments. Anime overall is something great, but because it came from a place that not much people understand, no one will give it a shot. this is my example of key concept 3

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