Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Resident Evil 5

Resident Evil 5 is a Zombie survival game mixed with shooter elements. The Resident Evil Franchise never had received as much messages of accusations with previous games but with Resident Evil 5, many people accused this game of being racist towards black people. To further explain this, the Resident Evil franchise is about a group of people who try to survive a zombie attack and escape, the first 2 games being in a forest and mansion, the middle 2 taking place in a city, and the last 2 taking place in different countries. The last two games aren't like the previous games as you have to rescue someone, but as you progress through the game you learn that the cause of the incidents throughout all the games were all the same antagonist. This game won't be understood by people who just play the game as compared to people who played the whole series. Because of this the people who play the game know why it takes place in Africa. This is an example of key concept 6, as many people will view this game from a different angle.

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