Thursday, January 13, 2011

Super mario brothers!

oh boy, nothing as good as a classic, this is like one of the most, if not THE most popular gaming franchise ever...of all time. Super mario brothers follows the plot of going through multiple stages to save your beloved princess peach. The main character is a plumber...but in some spin offs he is a doctor. This game follows the stereotype of the damsel in distress and that its up to the guy to save them basically...And in recent games the villain has a heart of gold but won't show it because it doesn't match his appearance. While many people usually ignore this, it puts many people into the belief that the guy should solve all the problems for the girl and that it will always be the girl who needs saving...oh boy how wrong that one is...This game is full of cliche's like this and whatnot...but i guess we're so use to it we don't mind it anymore...This is my example of key concept 2

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