Friday, January 14, 2011

Black and White Movies

Black and White movies such as King Kong, Dracula, Frankenstein, The thing, and stuff are wonderful classics that influenced today's movie genre's...and also spawned mostly horrible remakes...with the sole except to me being King Kong released in 2006 which is a perfect cg remake of the old stop motion movie. Many movie will never give these movie's a shot because it is Black and White caring about violence and looks much more. In some movies that are black and white...and also silent, the lack of music adds to the chilling atmosphere the movie intended to do and perfectly fit the mood. The black and white movies of back then are what influenced today's movies and without them, we wouldn't have the movies we have today...and some black and white movies are better than today's movies. This is my example of Key Concept 6


Twilight is a (horrible) vampire/werewolf teenage romance movie which has terribly influenced many people and is one of the leading, if not THE worst movie that features vampires which takes out the original aspects of old school vampire movies. Twilight is about a (dumb) girl who falls inlove with (i miss him as cedric)a guy who sparkles in the sun and doesn't turn to dust(hehehe...that would be an awesome blooper) anyways its basically about a love between a normal human girl(who does stupid stuff) and a (wannabe) vampire. While many people would read it for the romance(which still sucked by the way) many (young) girls love it because the characters are "Hot" many people these days just care about looks instead of plot and because of this many movies are going downhill. This movie while loved by (little) girls is widely hated by (nearly everyone)some people. This is my example of key concept 6(not adding a picture)


Godzilla is an old school black and white monster film set in japan. This film talks about a creature named godzilla who was created after a living dinosaur hidden on an island is hit by a nuke then wrecks havoc in japan. While this film may be a giant monster flick to some people. Godzilla is a movie about the actions of nuclear weapons from a country that experienced it first hand. It also tells everyone about the horror of what nuclear weapons are and why we shouldn't use it. While it won't likely cause a giant monster, it'll still cause a big impact on whatever country is hit by a nuke and will most likely wreck havoc causing more and more violence overall. Godzilla is an old but classic flick where you would have to pay attention to whats going on and what the actions of humans can do to people.

Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain is a reaction time ps3 a way. Heavy Rain lets you play as 4 seperate characters who are trying to find a killer called the origami killer and to find one of the characters son. This game is filled with choices which can affect what happens in the game and how the ending will happen, such as one of the main characters dying, or one of the support characters dying who was suppose to give you a hint if you didn't die. This game features lots of moral choices inorder to save said kid, such as going through a small crawl path that have glass on the floor, or driving on the opposite lane as fast as you can. This game is a psychological guessing game as to trying to figure out who the killer is by paying attention to hints you can notice if paying attention. This game represents what a father would do to rescue his child, and why people would do stuff like this. This is my example of key concept 5.

Avatar The Last Airbender

Avatar The Last Airbender is a movie based on a cartoon series going by the same name. The movie was created by M. Night Shyamalan with the intent of thinking he was pleasing the friends but in reality, changing a lot of stuff the original fans payed attention to, which the fans never wanted to see, and basically using the name to make a profit. The movie while following some events with the show in reality is just a horrible film considering that compared to other movies released the same time, the c.g is horrible. Avatar The Last Airbender suffered the same fate as other movies based off cartoons...being remade into a horrible movie which only wanted to use the name to increase their profit. This is my example of key concept 4

War of the worlds

When I mention war of the worlds, I don't mean the movies, or the books...i mean that radio show thingie..War of the worlds is about an alien attack and people's attempts to survive and destroy the aliens. While this series may be a classic this one rendition of the book...put people into shock...the way that the people presents this on the radio, they put it in a serious mood to help get people hooked in, but sadly it did the opposite it put people into shock and panic actually thinking we were getting attacked by aliens. it took them a while to calm down and once they did they were outraged by this saying that the radio show was cruel for its exact realism. Contrary to the fact, this has been done before the war of the worlds radio show started. Because of the fact it was on radio, and people didn't have movies to watch, or never read the book...they were surely suprised. if this was to happen again at this time and age, we would know its a drama and not really happening because they may try to do a live version of it on t.v using cg...which many people can recognize. this is my example of key concept 3.

Scary Movie 3

Scary movie 3 is one of those movies that parodies another movie, with this one parodying The Ring and Signs. This movie first starts off with these two girls who watched this cursed video tape seven days ago and to follow the stereotype dumb blonde thing pokes the other girls dead body asking if she is okay. the movie then shifts off to a farmer/former reverend and his clumsy brother who discovers a crop circle in his field...which plainly says in english "right here." While this movie makes references to a  lot of other movies, its main focus is on The Ring and Signs and you'll notice them mocking parts of the movie...such as the cursed video actually being mistaken for pootie tang thus it being unleashed in the world...and thee whole reason for why aliens'll never guess....this movie portrays girls as idiots and...skanky dressers ...and guys as bigger idiots and pervs...but because this movie is a parody it usually slides by...this is my example of key concept 2